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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Blogs to Read

by folkbum

Michael Caughill's bewheeled alter-ego, Elliot Stearns, is having some sort of contest. I am not entirely clear on the rules, but it seems to me like his goal is to get a whole lot of people to link to him. I think he may have gotten that email that says Bill Gates will give him a free laptop (funny, because he uses Macs, and I commend him for that) if 200 people link back to him or something.

I don't know. It's probably on Snopes. It sounds like he's going to trade that laptop in for magic back-scratchers to hand out to all of his fans, though. I don't know if they will be as cool as this one, but a boy can dream, can't he?

But I will take this opportunity, though, to point out a few new local liberal blogs that have come to my attention. They're not all new, but they're at least new to me.
Leonel, "ramblings of a queer mexican trekkie"
Brew Cityzen, "He was a fattish but active man of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of imbecile enthusiasms—one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom…the stability of the Party depended. - George Orwell"
The Reasonable Progressive, "This is nothing but dead white male bashing from a PC thug. It's women like you that keep the rest of us from landing a husband. - Miss Hoover, The Simpsons"
Bradley D. Schmock, "Compassionate Badger"
Wisconsin Truth Watch
•  Looking in Your Garbage, by "mrbossman"
Lane Ellen, "Exponential"
The Blue Revolution

And one that's less local, the Democratic Governors Association has a blog now, too. One of these days when I get some time to readjust the sidebar, I will add them to the blogroll, too. In the meantime, click through and enjoy.

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