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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Wisconsin Wednesday: Yak Yak Yak

If you're driving in Milwaukee right now, take a moment an spin your radio up and down the AM (or even FM) dial. (If you're not driving in Milwaukee right now, use your imagination.) What kind of talk radio do you hear? That's right: Wingnut radio.

On the one channel, you've got local guys. On the other, you've got many of the major national yakkers--like Limbaugh and Hannity (on tape delay)--followed by another local bobblehead. (One of these days I'm going to lay into Belling the way Belling lays into teachers, but first I have to figure out how to turn off the logic and compassion areas of my brain.)

While it's true that we get two NPR channels--one that carries the news programming and one that has state-wide call-ins and "Talk of the Nation"--those public radio types are all about balance, so you are as likely to find right-wing points of view as left or center. There is no station in Milwaukee devoted to good liberal news and talk.

Well, my buddy Scott is fed up, too. He's started a petition to bring Air America Radio to Milwaukee's airwaves. Milwaukee is the largest media market in the state, and one of the most reliably Democratic-voting cities, and we have nothing. (I believe that the vast majority of the listeners to the wingnut talkers are the sub- and exurbanites, not us city dwellers.) Go sign the petition, even if you're not in Milwaukee, if you believe that those of us not represented by the opinions of bobbleheads should have a home on Milwaukee's AM dial. Thank you.

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