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Thursday, August 25, 2005

They could have called it, "Walker Drowns Kittens"

But "Walker looks at cuts in health care for poor" works almost as well, since it is time to draw attention to the real problem.

That problem is, of course, that suburbanite Walker seldom misses the chance to balance the County budget on the backs of the poor black folk in Milwaukee. It's a consistent theme of his, from cutting bus service (watch for more cuts--and a drastic jump in fares from high gas prices) and threatening to cut mental health services to closing public pools that serve those without air conditioning, Scott Walker never met a program targeting poor minorities that he didn't want to cut. Reminds me of his bluster during the last campaign about how his "truth in sentencing" bill kept criminals off the street--though he didn't say the "black" part out loud.

's gonna be a long, long campaign for governor, isn't it?

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