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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Poor old predictable me

This new round of voter fraud allegations--that up to nine people may have voted in Milwaukee and a second city--again show the need for some comprehensive reform in voting laws but not, contrary to those who like to grandstand about such things, a photo ID requirement.

For example, if you move to Chicago near the election date, and want to vote twice, you can request an absentee ballot before you go. When it arrives in your Chicago mailbox, fill it out and mail it back. Nowhere along the line do you have to show ID, nor, in fact, would it be feasible to do so. Then, on election day, stroll down to the polling place in Chicago and flash your new Illinois license. Even with a brand new voter ID bill passed into law here, this exact scenario can play out as many times as unscrupulous voters may want to try it and there's not a damned thing you can do about it. The same can happen--though it may be easier to track--with moving voters within the state, as well, and an ID requirement won't stop it.

Instead of seeking real voting reforms (remember that "legislative task force" that was supposed to be researching reform options months ago? Where is that now?), Republicans keep rolling the same lousy boulder up the hill. Democrats have offered ideas, like Tom Barrett's a while back, or Doyle's efforts to compromise. Republicans don't care; they know that they can suppress Democratic turnout--turnout in general, even--with a photo ID requirement, and they won't stop until they get it.

See previous posts here, here, here, and here.

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