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Friday, April 09, 2004

Adios, mis amigos!

Well, I'm off in a couple of hours, but I have just enough time to introduce your stunt folkbum for the week:

Jeff (I think he'll be posting as JD) is a commenter here, a regular at the Daily Kos and a blogger (though of the sports variety) in his own right in at the Post Game.

He is also, I'm afraid, immenently more qualified than I to write about politics. Me, I have a Creative Writing degree and a checkered past in student governments and failed insurgent presidential campaigns. Jeff is a graduate of Temple Law School where he did all kinds of Good Things that I'm sure he can tell you about. So he, you know, knows stuff. I don't.

So, welcome aboard, Jeff, and I'll see everyone else in ten days or so . . . Hasta la vista!

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