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Sunday, February 12, 2006

Some quick thoughts: Cheney, Conservatives, Caps

Busy weekend, busy life, lots of work, still sick, and so on. Here's what I haven't blogged about yet:

--> Will Wisconsin families now be able to buy bumper stickers that read, "My 8-year-old is a Better Shot than Dick Cheney"?

--> Glenn Greenwald writes a long, but excellent post, on what it means to be "conservative" and "liberal" these days. I encourage all of my readers--yes, both of you--on the left and on the right to read it. I'm especially curious to know what my "conservative" readers think of his thesis.

--> Carrie and Xoff have already noted that John Gard, perhaps against the better judgment of his campaign manager (and certainly in a move to irritate Mark Green and Scott Walker), seems finally ready to "settle" the cap "issue." This is, of course, something that could have happened two years ago, but better late than never, eh? Seth asks about one of the things missing in the little bit of information we know about the discussions--funding. Will I and other Milwaukee taxpayers continue to have to pay extra for every voucher kid? I want to ask about something different: accountability. Where are the negotiations on a real plan to provide full and complete information to parents so that they can actually use "choice"?

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