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Thursday, May 29, 2003

An Imaginary Spin


The Bush Administration's Treasury Department has just completed a study that reports great news. The president's tax cut strategy will result in a decrease in tax revenue of more that $44 trillion dollars.

"This is a great day for America," President Bush said as he unveiled the study. "The government will continue to take less and less of taxpayers' hard-earned money, leaving Americans with the dollars in their pockets to spend as they choose, not as the government chooses."

"In fact," the president continued, "this $44 trillion reduction means that every man, woman, and child in this country receives an average $173,333 tax cut. That's $173,333 to spend on food, automobiles, houses and other products people want and need."

Any questions about the president's tax cut package will be treated with suspiscion and will result in a loss of civil liberties.


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