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Thursday, April 21, 2005

Changing Minds (Even If No One Reads My Blog)

Yesterday I posted about how Scott Walker's flunky Doug Haag had pronounced Walker (still looking for that nickname, people) innocent without even a hearing. Well, it turns out that all that pressure I applied from here on my futon in my jammies worked!
The Milwaukee County Election Commission will meet next week to review County Executive Scott Walker's use of taxpayer funds to advocate that voters approve a referendum on his pension-borrowing plan.

Commission Chairman Doug Haag said the panel on April 28 would review that and other issues raised by four county supervisors who have questioned the legality of a Walker e-mail sent before the referendum.

In a long e-mail to various groups, Walker's office described the proposal as "pension relief bonds" aimed at helping relieve county fiscal woes linked to the extravagant pension benefits approved in 2000. The e-mail asked for a "yes" vote. [. . .]

Haag initially balked, saying even before he received Walker's request that he saw no violation and that it was unlikely the Election Commission had jurisdiction. But on Wednesday he agreed to have the commission review the matter. [. . .]

Wisconsin election law defines as "political purpose" - not public purpose - actions taken to influence a particular vote at a referendum. Also, common law based on judicial decisions in other states has led public officials in Wisconsin to refrain from expressly advocating a yes or no vote on referendums, notably on school building referendums.
For my next trick: I want a million dollars, I want a million dollars, I want a million dollars, I want a million dollars, I want a million dollars, I want a million dollars, I want a million dollars, I want a million dollars, I want a million dollars, I want a million dollars, I want a million dollars, I want a million dollars.

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