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Saturday, April 23, 2005

Bad Stuff is Bad! or, Another TABOR Rant

The daily today takes a brave stand--are you ready for this?--against legislative pork.

They're talking about the state budget wranglings currently stinking up Madison, specifically in this case, a road-building project that doesn't need to happen any time in this decade. But the road-builders' special interest money bought them this pretty pork chop.

The MJS goes on to connect the pork issue to TABOR, which they (and I) oppose: "No doubt, this is why some legislators favor a taxpayer bill of rights. Unable to restrain their own predilection for spending, they assume no other lawmakers can, either, so they're asking taxpayers to 'stop us before we spend again.' " No doubt, you TABOR supporters--if any of you still read my incoherent ramblings--are thinking, "YES! Please stop them!" To which I say, November 2006 is as good a time as any to put a stop to it.

But here's what the paper doesn't say, and one thing I haven't really heard much discussion of surrounding TABOR: The amendment would move any increase in spending beyond a set limit and any net increase in taxation to the realm of referrendum. (I dread the day Wisconsin becomes like California, with its rule by ballot initiative!) If the road-builders are willing to spend nearly $30,000 in a single state senate race to buy themselves a road contract, what makes you think they wouldn't spend that much--or 33 times that much--on a referrendum campaign? What about Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce? The Wisconsin Education Association Council? These are all huge lobbies now, and you had better believe that they will be out in force on every single ballot question.

And, considering the hot water Walker: Tosa Ranger* has found himself in for advocating a position during the recent Milwaukee County non-binding referrendum question, this means that the citizenry and local governments will not only be outgunned by special interest spending, they won't be able to advocate for anything at all! The only commercials you will see on TV will be from the same special interest forces that rule the airwaves now, advocating the same spending and taxing patterns we already have. Basically, they are just shifting the lobbying from Madison to your living room.

Look, I'm no fan of Madison lobbyists (which reminds me--register now for the People's Legislature next week!), but one of the reasons why I vote is so that I son't have to put up with WMC and WEAC on my TV any more that I do now. They are unregulated, unrestricted, and certainly not shy about shading the truth to get the piece of pork that they want.

In my mind, the best defense against pork is to vote out the people that lobbyists buy and sell. TABOR is just smoke and mirrors.

* Scott Walker, with props to Stacie for suggesting the nickname.

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