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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Losing Yet Another War

by capper

First, we have four and half year of dubious news on the war in Iraq, with predictions that Bush's war games could go on for at least two more years. Then we find out that things in Afghanistan isn't going so well, and al Qaeda is building up to pre-9/11 strength.

Now, we find out that due to the feds, the war on drugs is going to go up in smoke, with delays in federal funding for drug rehab services, and an expected drop in overall funding. Not only will there be more people going without services for longer times, but it will also increase the crime rate, as the addicts start getting desperate for a fix. This also shows some real fiscal responsibility, causing taxpayers to shovel out money seven times faster, as reported here:

Conor Williams, a spokesman for the Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope, said untreated addictions lead to jail and prison, where the costs are significantly higher than treatment. A 1994 Rand Corp. study showed that $1 spent on addiction treatment saves $7 in law enforcement and jail costs, he added.

Mr. Williams goes on to state that if Milwaukee County could bail out the Milwaukee Public Museum, it should be able to find a way to find the money to help provide these services.

But Mr. Williams, and those of us who agree with his sentiment, should be painfully aware by now that the Republicans are not interested in helping anyone, except themselves and their pals.

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