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Monday, August 11, 2008

McCain -- I Get My Foreign Policy Speeches from Wikipedia

By Keith Schmitz

We've all been guilty of it from time to time when we have, like a big test to cram for, to go to the reference works.

Behind a background of flags and fine paneled wood walls, presumptive nominee John McCain delivered a speech slamming the Russian invasion of Georgia to emulate in a mini way the Obama sweep through Europe and the Middle East a few weeks back.

But the effort one makes to look presidential can get seriously undermined when chunks of your saber-rattling speech is apparently from Wikipedia. If so, not a good idea.

Not a good combination of phoning it in and possible conflict of interest.

The tough part of running for a third Bush term is in case like this invasion, we don't have moral leg to stand on, the army to respond to it, or the luxury of Russia turning off the oil spigot if we do anything about it.

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