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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Superintendent to get Super Powers?

I'm on the trail of something that may be coming from non-Milwaukee legislators to screw Milwaukee voters. More tomorrow, I hope.

Which reminds me of this post from Xoff this morning, noting that State Sen. Ron Brown (R-Eau Claire) has raised every single cent of his re-election fund so far from out of the district:
Where did the money come from? Of the total, $9500 was from individuals, all in checks of at least $250. A pro-school choice conduit passed through $5,600 to Brown, including $1700 from Milwaukeean Howard Fuller and his wife, Deborah McGriff. The other $3,900 in conduit money was from people in California, Michigan, and Virginia.

Then there are the Waltons, and I don't mean John-Boy and Elizabeth. The Wal-Mart, school choice Waltons, whose addresses are in Wyoming and Arkansas, kicked in $3,900. That's chicken feed to a Walton, but quite a bit of dough for a State Senator who's not raising any money anywhere else.
Here we have a state senator who is not from Milwaukee. Not even close. And yet, voucher proponents are pouring money into his campaign so that, I guess, in the future he will vote to support and expand the voucher program in the Milwaukee Public Schools. This is just another example of legislators who were not elected by the people of Milwaukee making law that affects only Milwaukee. The irony is that Milwaukee leglislators consistently vote against the expansion of the voucher program--the voters here elect people wanting to curb the growth of the program and install reasonable standards. Non-Milwaukee legislators, often elected with the help of pro-voucher money, love the vouchers.

Is this fair, reasonable, or even remotely democratic? I don't think so, but then again, I'm just the one getting screwed, not the one screwing. I guess things look different from where they are.

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