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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dick Golembiewski's Book--Buy It

by folkbum

Dick Golembiewski--occasionally known as Dick Nitelinger--was kind enough to swing by my communications media class today (ably taught now by my student teacher) to talk TV. This guy knows everything--we talked past, present, future, DTV, HDTV, robot cameras (they really are stealing your soul, I would bet), and more. I found it fascinating; my students, less so (teenagers).

Dick's written the book, literally, on the history of TV in Milwaukee. I got a chance to see it, today, and it is incredible. I didn't grow up in Milwaukee, but I imagine anyone who did (and who had a TV) would love to have the book, which is really a channel-by-channel history of TV--personalities, programs, plenty of pictures. Totally worth it.

Dick's doing an event this Saturday at the central library, and if you want to know anything about TV, that's the place to be. I understand the books will even be on sale there.

(See MJS columns about Dick and the book here and here.)

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