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Thursday, August 14, 2003

What are they smoking?

Via Talk Left, we find the "Granite Staters" for Medical Marijuana voter guide, wherein Howard Dean scores an F+ (should have done a little more studying there at medical school, Howard!).

They write,
Dean is the only candidate who has actually killed a medical marijuana bill. [. . .] Dean recently retreated from his earlier pledge to direct the FDA to study medical marijuana. His reversal and his actions have shown that medical marijuana patients can never trust him.
As Jon Stewart would say, "Whaaaaaaaa?"

I seem to remember this from the other night:
KING: Santa Cruz, California, hello.

CALLER: Hi Governor Dean. My question to you is, given your medical background and your view on states' rights, in your opinion, what should the federal government do about medical marijuana?

DEAN: I don't think they should throw people in jail in California, but I think do think--here's what I think. I think the process by which medical marijuana is being legalized is the wrong process. I don't like it when politicians interfere in medicine. It's why I am very pro-choice. Because I don't think that is the government's business. So what I will do as president is, I will require the FDA within first 12 months to evaluate marijuana and see if it is, in fact, a decent medicine or not. If it is, for what purposes [. . .]. But we have to do the FDA studies. I think marijuana should be treated like every other drug in the process and there shouldn't be a special process which is based on politics to legalize it.
What "reversal"? I don't see it.

Howard Dean's position is simple: He does not want lawmakers or voters practicing medicine. Period. That's why he is pro-choice, why he supports using the FDA to legalize medical marijuana, and why he supports treating drug addiction like a disease, not a crime.

What I really like, though, is this juicy bit from the "Granite Staters" web site:
This campaign is staffed and funded by the Marijuana Policy Project
P.O. Box 77492 - Capitol Hill - Washington, DC - 20013
That's why "Granite Staters" should really be in quotation marks. The Marijuana Policy Project's whole purpose for existing to is work to enact new legislation and redact old legislation. Any candidate who proposes any solution to the medical marijuana question that is not legislative in nature will fail by their standards.

Too bad for Howard Dean, who is instead willing to let doctors make the medical decisions.

By the way, the only candidate who receives higher than a C is that say-what-your-hippie-fans-want-to-hear marvel Dennis Kucinich.

UPDATE: I received a FAIR and BALANCED email from Aaron Houston, whose office is, admittedly, in New Hampshire, who writes:
Thank you for your feedback related to Granite Staters for Medical Marijuana's (GSMM) website and particularly, for your input on Governor Dean's page in the voter guide. As you probably know, campaigns are sometimes hectic, so thank you for bringing the omission to our attention.

We have changed Governor Dean's page based on the information you sent. Please visit to view the updated page.
Also check out Aaron's comment in the comments below. And Howard Dean's new grade? F+! Sigh.

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